New ‘think-and-do tank’ to make Denmark a front-runner in step-change societal projects


Press release

The CIP Fonden – a new, fully financed and independent ‘think-and-do tank’ – has seen the light of day. The think-and-do tank will propose solutions to societal challenges that will otherwise not be solved, or at least only in the distant future. The criteria for addressing an issue will be that there must be a net zero perspective, that the solution to the issue must benefit Denmark and offer export potential and that the issue will persist for generations to come. The capital of the CIP Fonden will derive from Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) and a group of member companies. The CIP Fonden will have a strong Board of Directors who are independent of special interests. The first projects will address the climate and energy crisis and the potential food crisis caused by climate change, global population growth and not least the war in the Ukraine.

The transition from a fossil-based to a fossil-free society will require step changes, many of which will be radical changes to major parts of society. Meanwhile, we are facing pressing challenges in several other contexts that also require measures to prepare the Danish society for the future in the best possible way; not least the knock-on effect of the war in the Ukraine which has fuelled a critical energy and supply crisis as well as a potential food and refugee crisis – in addition to the climate crisis.

Accordingly, the CIP Fonden was founded for the purpose of providing specific, implementable solutions to challenges facing society. The CIP Fonden is a think-and-do tank that will not just identify and analyse problem areas but also devise and design solutions. The first projects to be launched by the think-and-do tank will address the climate crisis, the potential food crisis and the current energy crisis. Chairman of the Board of Directors, Torben Möger Pedersen, CEO of PensionDanmark, said:

‘The think-and-do tank will propose solutions to some of the major problems facing society. As we see it, there is a variety of long-term transformational society projects that the political system has difficulty coping with and where the think-and-do tank can make a difference. We have set ourselves the task of devising specific solutions based on in-depth industry expertise that the political system can pick up when we leave, as was also the case when the Danish energy islands came into being.

Initially, we will focus on proposing specific solutions to the challenges and opportunities provided by the climate crisis and the current energy, supply and food crisis faced by Denmark and the rest of the world. But we are also preoccupied with the question of how public and private production and service providers can be digitised and with the need for major investments in sustainable energy infrastructure in Denmark and the inherent systems exports.’

A vision for a richer and more sustainable Denmark

The capital that will constitute the financing of the think-and-do tank for a preliminary 6-year period will be donated by CIP and a group of member companies.

The CIP Fonden was established as a non-profit foundation independent of special interests. It is the intention of the CIP partners to focus on long-term next-generation projects with a net zero perspective and on the potential for new Danish export adventures as was seen in the wind turbine industry.

Christina Grumstrup Sørensen, Senior Partner, CIP, and member of the Board of Directors of the CIP Fonden, said:

‘I hope and expect that Denmark and the Danes will give the think-and-do tank a warm welcome. It is our intention to create an independent and strong societal architect with a strong focus on specific sustainable solutions to develop and enrich Denmark.’

Christina Grumstrup Sørensen envisages many operational areas for the think-and-do tank. The entire energy and supply area calls for specific solutions to prevent leaving the development of new ideas to players in other countries. However, a highly productive and climate-neutral food production also calls for action, says Christina Grumstrup Sørensen and goes on:

‘Food of the future will be a focus area for the think-and-do tank in the years ahead. By the year 2100, there will be 40% more people in the world to feed compared to today. Meanwhile, carbon emissions from food production must be reduced to close to zero.

This will present a huge challenge, but it will also involve great business opportunities if Danish agriculture continues to develop and maintain its current front-runner status within climate efficiency and productivity – because this is what Danish agriculture boasts today.’

The think-and-do tank works transparently and with all stakeholders

The basic idea is that the activities of the think-and-do tank must add value for Denmark. The foundation allocates resources based on four criteria: A climate-neutral society, Danish-based projects, major export potential and last but not least a desire to pass on a sustainable society to the next generation.

Initially, the think-and-do tank will concentrate its efforts on three project themes: Agriculture and food; data and digitisation; and supply and infrastructure.

The day-to-day manager of the foundation, Charlotte Jepsen, Managing Partner, said:

‘We will work closely with companies, experts, the civil service and the political system on our solutions. We must ensure the highest possible standards for our work and uncover all aspects of the problems we are dealing with and ensure that stakeholders are heard.

Accordingly, we will enter into an open dialogue about the projects we launch. We want to be considered a factual and serious collaboration partner who provides new inspiration for the way in which specific, implementable solutions to societal challenges can be developed.’

Further information:

Torben Möger Pedersen, Chairman, CIP Fonden, tel.: +45 2016 4585

Charlotte Jepsen, Managing Partner, CIP Fonden, tel.: +45 4193 3198

Facts about the CIP Fonden

The CIP Fonden is a non-profit foundation established by Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners.

The objects of the CIP Fonden are to deliver analyses, insights and specific solutions to structural challenges in the Danish society.

Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners has committed to donate DKK 10 million annually over a 6-year period to finance the activities of the foundation. The foundation also has a number of supporters and members among Danish companies, organisations and universities who contribute to the activities of the foundation.

The foundation is independent of CIP and has a separate and independent organisation and a Board of Directors.

The CIP Fonden is managed by the Board of Directors. A series of advisers are attached to the foundation to support the secretariat and the Board of Directors on the projects.

Members of the Board of Directors of the CIP Fonden:

  • Torben Möger Pedersen, CEO, PensionDanmark (Chairman)
  • Jakob Baruël Poulsen, Managing Partner, Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners
  • Christina Grumstrup Sørensen, Senior Partner, Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners
  • Anders Eldrup, professional board member, former CEO of DONG and former Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Finance.
  • Eva Berneke, CEO, Eutelsat
  • Anne Lawaetz Arhnung, former CEO, the Danish Agriculture & Food Council